Dan Bulzan   

NASA Glenn Research Center

NASA Emissions Reduction and Alternative Fuel Research



A brief overview of the major research activities related to emissions reduction and alternative fuels currently being conducted under the Subsonics Fixed Wing and Supersonic Projects will be presented. Selected accomplishments since the last workshop will also be presented. These include the NASA Alternative Aviation Fuel Experiment where the NASA DC-8 was operated with two Fischer-Tropsch fuels and exhaust emissions were measured; combustion flametube experiments at NASA Glenn where an advanced Lean Direct Injection Concept was tested using Fischer-Tropsch and biojet fuels; sulfate emissions at sea level using an Altitude Simulation chamber for JP-8 and F-T fuels, an update of the Alternative Fuels Laboratory where Fischer-Tropsch reactor studies are underway; and a brief update of the research activities currently being conducted using the Greenlab Facility.


Dan Bulzan has worked in the area of low emissions combustion at NASA Glenn Research Center for over 30 years. He received a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University. He has performed research in catalytic combustion, particle laden flows, and spray combustion. He is currently serving as an Associate Principal Investigator in the Combustion Discipline for the NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Subsonics Fixed Wing Project where he is responsible for the emissions reduction and alternative fuels research activities being conducted. He is also serving as an Associate Principal Investigator in the High Altitude Emissions Technical Challenge Area in the Supersonic Project.