David W. Zingg

University of Toronto Distinguished Professor of Computational Aerodynamics and Sustainable Aviation
Director, Centre for Research in Sustainable Aviation
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Computational Aerodynamics and Environmentally Friendly Aircraft Design (2001-2015)
2004 Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
(for research in the design of environmentally friendly aircraft)

2009 University of Toronto Faculty Award Recipient
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering
2011 OSPE/PEO Engineering Medal - Research and Development
2012-13 CASI McCurdy Award
2015 CASI Turnbull Lecturer
2016 JJ Berry Smith Doctoral Supervision Award
2021 CASI C.D. Howe Award

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela

University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS)
4925 Dufferin St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3H 5T6

Phone: (416) 667-7709, Fax: (416) 667-7799

Email: david(dot)zingg(at)utoronto(dot)ca

Table of Contents
(scroll down or click on an item from the list below)

My Research Group


Textbook: Fundamental Algorithms in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Textbook: Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics


8th UTIAS International Workshop on Aviation and Climate Change, May-June 2023

Climate Change Mitigation in the Aviation Industry: An Analysis of the Climate Impact Attributed to Aircraft in Flight to Enable Climate Optimization (by Manon Garde, 2022)

Cumpsty, N., Mavris, D., Alonso, J., Catalano, F., Eyers, C., Goutines, M., Gronstedt, T., Hileman, J., Joselzon, A., Khaletskii, I., Ogilvie, F., Ralph, M., Sabnis, J., Wahls, R., Zingg, D., Independent Expert Integrated Technology Goals Assessment and Review for Aircraft and Engines (ICAO Doc 10127), Montreal 2019.

Actions to Reduce the Climate Change Impact of the Aviation Sector (prepared for Canada Transportation Act Review, March 2015)

Technology Developments and Renewable Fuels for Sustainable Aviation (with Omer Gulder)

Matlab file of simplified and flexible variant of GCROT for solving nonsymmetric linear systems (see Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, 2010 below)


My Research Group

To visit the home page for my research group please click here



The following journal papers since 1999 can be downloaded (see below for downloadable conference papers):

Boom, P.D., Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., and Zingg, D.W., "Relative Efficiency of High-Order Tensor-Product Summation-by-Parts Discretizations on Distorted Meshes," J. of Scientific Computing, 102(1), 2025.

Worku, Z.A., Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Tensor-Product Split-Simplex Summation-by-Parts Operators," J. Comp. Phys., Vol. 527, 2025.

Worku, Z.A., Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Quadrature Rules on Triangles and Tetrahedra for Multidimensional Summation-By-Parts Operators," J. of Scientific Computing, 101(1), 2024.

Montoya, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Efficient entropy-stable discontinuous spectral-element methods using tensor-product summation-by-parts operators on triangles and tetrahedra," Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 516, 2024.

Gray, A.L., and Zingg, D.W., "Blended-Wing-Body Regional Aircraft Optimization with High-Fidelity Aerodynamics and Critical Design Requirements," J. of Aircraft, 61(6), 2024.

Montoya, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Efficient Tensor-Product Spectral-Element Operators with the Summation-by-Parts Property on Curved Triangles and Tetrahedra," SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, 46(4), 2024.

Worku, Z.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Entropy-split multidimensional summation-by-parts discretization of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations," J. Comp. Phys., 502, April 2024.

Marchildon, A.L., and Zingg, D.W., "A Solution to the Ill-Conditioning of Gradient-Enhanced Covariance Matrices for Gaussian Processes," International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 125(16), Aug. 2024.

Belanger, R., Lavoie, P., and Zingg, D.W., "Convergence of turbulence statistics: random error of central moments computed from correlated data," Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 64, Issue 10, 2023.

Streuber, G.M., and Zingg, D.W., "Improved Dynamic Geometry Control Algorithms for Efficient Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA Journal, Vol. 61, No. 5, May 2023.

Chau, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Optimization and Fuel Burn Evaluation of a Transonic Strut-Braced-Wing Single-Aisle Aircraft," J. of Aircraft, Vol. 60, No. 5, September 2023.

Piotrowski, M.G.H., and Zingg, D.W., "Compressibility corrections to extend a smooth local correlation-based transition model to transonic flows," The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 127, Issue 1313, July 2023.

Marchildon, A.L., and Zingg, D.W., "A Non-Intrusive Solution to the Ill-Conditioning Problem of the Gradient-Enhanced Gaussian Covariance Matrix for Gaussian Processes," Journal of Scientific Computing, 95, 2023.

Craig Penner, D.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Accurate High-Order Tensor-Product Generalized Summation-By-Parts Discretizations of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: General Curved Domains and Functional Superconvergence," Journal of Scientific Computing, 93(2) , 2022.

Marchildon, A.L., and Zingg, D.W., "Unisolvency for Polynomial Interpolation in Simplices with Symmetric Nodal Distributions," Journal of Scientific Computing, 92(2), 2022.

Montoya, T., and Zingg, D.W., "A Unifying Algebraic Framework for Discontinuous Galerkin and Flux Reconstruction Methods Based on the Summation-by-Parts Property," Journal of Scientific Computing, 92(3), 2022.

Chau, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Fuel Burn Evaluation of a Transonic Strut-Braced-Wing Regional Aircraft Through Multipoint Aerodynamic Optimisation," The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 127, Issue 1308, Feb. 2023.

Reist, T.A., Koo, D., and Zingg, D.W., "Aircraft Cruise Drag Reduction Through Variable Camber Using Existing Control Surfaces," J. of Aircraft, Vol. 59, No. 6, Nov. 2022.

Chiang, C., Koo, D., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of an S-Duct Intake for a Boundary-Layer Ingesting Engine," J. of Aircraft, 59:3, 2022, 725-741.

Lowe, B.M., and Zingg, D.W., "Flutter Prediction Using Reduced-Order Modeling with Error Estimation," AIAA J., Vol. 60, No. 7, 2022, pp. 4240-4255.

Bravo-Mosquera, P.D., Catalano, F.M., and Zingg, D.W., "Unconventional Aircraft for Civil Aviation: A Review of Concepts and Design Methodologies," Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 131, Article 100813, 2022.

Worku, Z.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Stability and Functional Superconvergence of Narrow-Stencil Second-Derivative Generalized Summation-By-Parts Discretizations," J. Sci. Comput.., 90, 42, 2022.

Chau, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Optimization of a Transonic Strut-Braced-Wing Regional Aircraft Based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations," J. of Aircraft, Vol. 59:1, 2022, pp. 253-271.

Worku, Z.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Simultaneous Approximation Terms and Functional Accuracy for Diffusion Problems Discretized with Multidimensional Summation-by-Parts Operators," J. Comp. Phys., Vol. 445, 110634, Nov. 2021.

Lowe, B.M., and Zingg, D.W., "Efficient Flutter Prediction Using Reduced-Order Modeling," AIAA J., Vol. 59, No. 7, 2021, pp. 2670-2683.

Piotrowski, M.G.H., and Zingg, D.W., "Smooth Local Correlation-based Transition Model for the Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model," AIAA J., Vol. 59, No. 2, 2021, pp. 474-492.

Streuber, G.M., and Zingg, D.W., "Evaluating the Risk of Local Optima in Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA J., Vol. 59, No. 1, 2021, pp. 75-87.

Marchildon, A.L., and Zingg, D.W., "Optimization of Multidimensional Diagonal-Norm Summation-by-Parts Operators on Simplices," J. of Computational Physics, Vol. 411, 2020, 109380.

Shadpey, S., and Zingg, D.W., "Entropy-Stable Multidimensional Summation-by-Parts Discretizations on hp-adaptive Curvilinear Grids for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws," J. of Scientific Computing, Vol. 82, 70, 2020.

Buckley, H.P., Holt, N., Leinonen, A., Fournier, S., and Zingg, D.W., "Preliminary Design of a Solar-Powered Hybrid Airship," J. of Aircraft, Vol. 57, No. 2, 2020, pp. 256-267.

Reist, T.A., Koo, D., Zingg, D.W., Bochud, P., Castonguay, P., and Leblond, D., "Cross-Validation of High-Fidelity Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Methodologies for Aircraft Wing-Body Optimization," AIAA J., Vol. 58, No. 6. 2020, pp. 2581-2595.

Craig Penner, D.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Superconvergent Functional Estimates from Tensor-Product Generalized Summation-by-Parts Discretizations in Curvilinear Coordinates," J. of Scientific Computing, Vol. 82, 41, 2020.

Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., Boom, P.D., and Zingg, D.W., "Extension of tensor-product generalized and dense-norm summation-by-parts operators to curvilinear coordinates," J. of Scientific Computing, Vol. 80, No. 3, September 2019, pp. 1957-1996.

Reist, T.A., Zingg, D.W., Rakowitz, M., Potter, G., and Banerjee, S., "Multi-Fidelity Optimization of Hybrid Wing-Body Aircraft with Stability and Control Requirements," J. of Aircraft, Vol. 56, No. 2, March-April 2019, pp. 442-456.

Brown, D.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Monolithic homotopy continuation with predictor based on higher derivatives," J. of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 346, Jan. 2019, pp. 26-41.

Boom, P.D., and Zingg, D.W., "Optimization of High-Order Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta Time-Marching Methods," J. Comp. Phys., Vol. 371, Oct. 2018, pp. 168-191.

Destarac, D., Carrier, G., Anderson, G.R., Nadarajah, S., Poole, D.J., Vassberg, J.C., and Zingg, D.W., "An Example of a Pitfall in Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA J., Vol. 56, No. 4, 2018, pp. 1532-1540.

Crean, J., Hicken, J.E., Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., Zingg, D.W., and Carpenter, M.H., "Entropy-Stable Summation-By-Parts Discretization of the Euler Equations on General Curved Elements," J. Comp. Phys., Vol. 356, March 2018, pp. 410-438.

Khosravi, S., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerostructural Optimization of Drooped Wings," J. of Aircraft, Vol. 55, No. 3, May 2018, pp. 1261-1268.

Brown, D.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Matrix-Free Monolithic Homotopy Continuation Algorithm with Application to Computational Aerodynamics," Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 78, Issue 4, August 2018, pp. 1303-1320.

Zhang, Z.J., and Zingg, D.W., "An Efficient Monolithic Solution Algorithm for High-Fidelity Aerostructural Analysis and Optimization," AIAA J., Vol. 56, No. 3, 2018, pp. 1251-1265.

Friedrich, L., Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., Winters, A.R., Gassner, G.J., Zingg, D.W., and Hicken, J.E., "Conservative and Stable Degree Preserving SBP Operators for Non-Conforming Meshes," J. of Scientific Computing, Vol. 75, Issue 2, May 2018, pp. 657-686.

Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Simultaneous Approximation Terms for Multi-Dimensional Summation-By-Parts Operators," J. of Scientific Computing, Vol. 75, Issue 1, April 2018, pp. 83-110.

Koo, D., and Zingg, D.W., "Investigation into Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Planar and Nonplanar Wings," AIAA J., Vol. 56, Jan. 2018, pp. 250-263.

Witherden, F.D., Jameson, A., and Zingg, D.W., "The Design of Steady State Schemes for Computational Aerodynamics," Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 18, Handbook of Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems: Applied and Modern Issues, 2017, pp. 303-349.

Brown, D.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Design and Evaluation of Homotopies for Efficient and Robust Continuation," Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 118, 2017, pp. 150-181.

Khosravi, S., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerostructural Perspective on Winglets," J. of Aircraft, Vol. 54, No. 3, 2017, pp. 1121-1138.

Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., Boom, P.D., and Zingg, D.W., "Corner-Corrected Diagonal-Norm Summation-by-Parts Operators with Increased Order of Accuracy," J. Comp. Phys. 330, 2017, pp. 902-923.

Zhang, Z.J., Khosravi, S., and Zingg, D.W., "High-fidelity aerostructural optimization with integrated geometry parameterization and mesh movement," Struct. Multidisc. Optim., Vol. 55, April 2017, pp. 1217-1235.

Reist, T.A., and Zingg, D.W., "High-Fidelity Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a Lifting-Fuselage Concept for Regional Aircraft," J. of Aircraft, Vol. 54, No. 3, 2017, pp. 1085-1097.

Lee, C., Koo, D., and Zingg, D.W., "Comparison of B-spline Surface and Free-form Deformation Geometry Control Methods for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA J., Vol. 55, No. 1, 2017, pp. 228-240.

Rashad, R., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization for Natural Laminar Flow Using a Discrete Adjoint Method," AIAA J., Vol. 54, No. 11, 2016, pp. 3321-3337.

Hicken, J.E., Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., and Zingg, D.W., "Multidimensional Summation-By-Parts Operators: General Theory and Application to Simplex Elements," SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2016, pp. A1935-A1958.

Brown, D.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Efficient numerical differentiation of implicitly-defined curves for sparse systems," Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 304 (2016) 138-159.

Brown, D.A., and Zingg, D.W., "A Monolithic Homotopy Continuation Algorithm with Application to Computational Fluid Dynamics," Journal of Computational Physics, 321 (2016) 55-75.

Gagnon, H., and Zingg, D.W., "Euler-Equation-Based Drag Minimization of Unconventional Aircraft Configurations," J. of Aircraft, Vol. 53, No. 5, 2016, pp. 1361-1371.

Gagnon, H., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Trade Study of a Box-Wing Aircraft Configuration," J. of Aircraft, Vol. 53, No. 4, 2016, pp. 971-981.

Brown, D.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Performance of a Newton-Krylov-Schur Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of the Steady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA J., Vol. 54, No. 9, 2016, pp. 2645-2658.

Truong, A.H., Zingg, D.W., and Haimes, R., "Surface Mesh Movement Algorithm for Computer-Aided-Design-Based Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA J., Vol. 54, No. 2, doi 10.2514/1.J054295, 2016, pp. 542-556.

Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., and Zingg, D.W., "Generalized Summation-by-Parts Operators for the Second Derivative with a Variable Coefficient," SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, Vol. 37, No. 6, 2015, pp. A2840-A2864.

Boom, P.D., and Zingg, D.W., "High-Order Implicit Time-Marching Methods Based on Generalized Summation-by-Parts Operators," SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, Vol. 37, No. 6, 2015, pp. A2682-A2709.

Gagnon, H., and Zingg, D.W., "Two-Level Free-Form and Axial Deformation for Exploratory Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA J., Vol. 53, No. 7, July 2015, pp. 2015-2026.

Osusky, L., Buckley, H.P., Reist, T.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Drag Minimization Based on the Navier-Stokes Equations Using a Newton-Krylov Approach," AIAA J., Vol. 53, No. 6, June 2015, pp. 1555-1577.

Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Review of Summation-By-Parts Operators with Simultaneous Approximation Terms for the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations," Computers & Fluids, 95, 2014, pp. 171-196.

Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., Boom, P.D., and Zingg, D.W., "A Generalized Framework for Nodal First Derivative Summation-By-Parts Operators," Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 266, June 2014, pp. 214-239.

Han, X., and Zingg, D.W., "An Adaptive Geometry Parameterization for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," Optimization and Engineering, Vol. 15, Issue 1, March 2014, pp. 69-91. DOI 10.1007/s11081-013-9213-y.

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Dual consistency and functional accuracy: a finite-difference perspective," Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 256, 1 January 2014, pp. 161-182.

Osusky, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Parallel Newton-Krylov-Schur Solver for the Navier-Stokes Equations Discretized Using Summation-By-Parts Operators," AIAA Journal, Vol. 51, No. 12, December 2013, pp. 2833-2851.

Buckley, H., and Zingg, D.W., "Approach to Aerodynamic Design Through Numerical Optimization," AIAA J., Vol. 51, No. 8, August 2013.

Chernukhin, O., and Zingg, D.W., "Multimodality and Global Optimization in Aerodynamic Design," AIAA J., Vol. 51, No. 6, June 2013.

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Summation-by-Parts Operators and High-Order Quadrature," J. of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 237 (2013), pp. 111-125.

Leung, T.M., and Zingg, D.W., "Single- and Multi-Point Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Wings Using a Parallel Newton-Krylov Approach," AIAA J., Vol. 50, No. 3, 2012, pp. 540-550.

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Superconvergent Functional Estimates from Summation-by-Parts Finite-Difference Discretizations," SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2011, pp. 893-922.

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Induced Drag Minimization of Nonplanar Geometries Based on the Euler Equations ," AIAA J., Vol. 48, No. 11, 2010, pp. 2564-2575.

Buckley, H.P., Zhou, B.Y., and Zingg, D.W., "Airfoil Optimization Using Practical Aerodynamic Requirements ," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 47, No. 5, 2010, pp. 1707-1719.

Rumpfkeil, M.P., and Zingg, D.W., "A Hybrid Algorithm for Far-Field Noise Minimization," Computers & Fluids, doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2010.05.006 2010.

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "A Simplified and Flexible Variant of GCROT for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems," SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2010, pp. 1672-1694.

Rumpfkeil, M., and Zingg, D.W., "The Optimal Control of Unsteady Flows with a Discrete Adjoint Method," Optimization and Engineering, Vol. 11, Issue 1, 2010, pp. 5-22, doi 10.1007/s11081-008-9035-5.

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Optimization Algorithm with Integrated Geometry Parameterization and Mesh Movement," AIAA J., Vol. 48, No. 2, 2010, pp. 401-413.

Chisholm, T.T., and Zingg, D.W., "A Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Compressible Turbulent Fluid Flows," J. Comp. Phys., 228 (2009) pp. 3490-3507.

Zingg, D.W., and Godin, P., "A Perspective on Turbulence Models for Aerodynamic Flows," Int. J. of Comp. Fluid Dyn., Vol. 23, No. 4, April-May 2009, pp. 327-335 (invited).

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "A Parallel Newton-Krylov Solver for the Euler Equations Discretized Using Simultaneous Approximation Terms," AIAA J., Vol. 46, No. 11, 2008, pp. 2773-2786.

Zingg, D.W, Nemec, M., and Pulliam, T.H., "A Comparative Evaluation of Genetic and Gradient-Based Algorithms Applied to Aerodynamic Optimization," (invited paper in a special issue on adjoint-based shape design in Revue Europeenne de Mecanique Numerique - European Journal of Computational Mechanics), REMN - 17/2008, pp. 103-126.

Truong, A.H., Oldfield, C.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Mesh Movement for a Discrete-Adjoint Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Aerodynamic Optimization," AIAA J., Vol. 46, No. 7, 2008, pp. 1695-1704.

Wong, P., and Zingg, D.W., "Three-Dimensional Aerodynamic Computations on Unstructured Grids Using a Newton-Krylov Approach," Computers & Fluids, Vol. 37, Issue 2, 2008, pp. 107-120.

Driver, J., and Zingg, D.W., "Numerical Aerodynamic Optimization Incorporating Laminar-Turbulent Transition Prediction," AIAA J., Vol. 45, No. 8, August 2007, pp. 1810-1816.

Blanco, M., and Zingg, D.W., "A Newton-Krylov Algorithm with a Loosely-Coupled Turbulence Model for Aerodynamic Flows," AIAA J., Vol. 45, No. 5, 2007.

Zingg, D.W., and Elias, S., "On Aerodynamic Optimization Under a Range of Operating Conditions," AIAA J. Vol. 44, No. 11, 2006, pp. 2787-2792.

M. Nemec, D.W. Zingg, and T.H. Pulliam, "Multipoint and Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA J., Vol. 42, No. 6, June 2004, pp. 1057-1065.

T.E. Nelson and D.W. Zingg, "Fifty Years of Aerodynamics: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities," CASJ, Vol. 50, No. 1, March 2004, pp. 61-84.

B. Eggleston, B. McKinney, J. Banaszek, N.S. Choi, G. Krolikowski, F. Lebrun, J. Thompson, D.W. Zingg, M. Nemec, and S. De Rango, "Development of a New Flap for a Light Utility Airplane," CASJ, Vol. 48, No. 4, Dec. 2002, pp. 233-238.

M. Nemec and D. W. Zingg, "A Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Aerodynamic Design Using the Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA J., Vol. 40, No. 6, 2002, pp. 1146-1154.

S. De Rango and D. W. Zingg, "A High-Order Spatial Discretization for Turbulent Aerodynamic Computations," AIAA J., Vol. 39, No. 7, July 2001, pp. 1296-1304.

Jurgens, H.M., and Zingg, D. W., "Numerical Solution of the Time-Domain Maxwell Equations Using High-Accuracy Finite-Difference Methods," SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, 2001, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 1675-1696.

Zingg, D.W., "Comparison of High-Accuracy Finite-Difference Schemes for Linear Wave Propagation," SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2000, pp. 476-502.

Zingg, D.W., De Rango, S., Nemec, M., and Pulliam, T.H., "Comparison of Several Spatial Discretizations for the Navier-Stokes Equations," J. Comp. Phys., Vol. 160, No. 2, May, pp. 683-704, 2000.

Nemec, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Evaluation of the Convective Upstream Split Pressure Scheme With Local Preconditioning," AIAA J., Vol. 38, No. 3, March, pp. 402-410, 2000.

Zingg, D.W., and Chisholm, T.T., "Runge-Kutta Methods for Linear Ordinary Differential Equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics," Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 227-238, 1999.

The following conference papers can be downloaded in postscript form (pdf for papers dated 2003 and later):

Blanco, M., and Zingg, D.W., "A Fast Solver for the Euler Equations on Unstructured Grids Using a Newton-GMRES Method," AIAA 97-0331, Jan. 1997.

Pueyo, A., and Zingg, D.W., "Progress in Newton-Krylov Methods for Aerodynamic Calculations," AIAA 97-0877, Jan. 1997.

Walsh, P., and Zingg, D.W., "On the Accuracy of Viscous Airfoil Computations Using Solution-Adaptive Unstructured Grids," AIAA 97-0329, Jan. 1997

Pueyo, A., and Zingg, D.W., "An Efficient Newton-GMRES Solver for Aerodynamic Computations," AIAA 97-1955, June 1997.

Unrau, D., and Zingg, D.W., "Viscous Airfoil Computations Using Local Preconditioning," AIAA 97-2027, June 1997.

Zingg, D.W., "Aspects of Linear Stability Analysis for Higher-Order Finite-Difference Methods," AIAA 97-1939, June 1997.

Zingg, D.W., "A Review of High-Order and Optimized Finite-Difference Methods for Simulating Linear Wave Phenomena," AIAA 97-2088, June 1997.

Pueyo, A., and Zingg, D.W., "Improvements to a Newton-Krylov Solver for Aerodynamic Flows," AIAA 98-0619, Jan. 1998.

Nemec, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Computations Using the Convective Upstream Split Pressure Scheme with Local Preconditioning," AIAA 98-2444, June 1998.

De Rango, S., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Computations Using a Higher-Order Algorithm," AIAA 99-0167, Jan. 1999.

Zingg, D.W., De Rango, S., Nemec, M., and Pulliam, T.H., "Comparison of Several Spatial Discretizations for the Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA 99-3269, June 1999.

Lassaline, J.V., and Zingg, D.W., "Development of an Agglomeration Multigrid Algorithm with Directional Coarsening," AIAA 99-3338, June 1999.

De Rango, S., and Zingg, D.W., "Further Investigation of a Higher-Order Algorithm for Aerodynamic Computations," AIAA 2000-0823, Jan. 2000.

De Rango, S., and Zingg, D.W., "Higher-Order Aerodynamic Computations on Multi-Block Grids," AIAA 2001-2631, June 2001.

Nemec, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Towards Efficient Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Based on the Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA 2001-2532, June 2001.

Nemec, M., Zingg, D.W., and Pulliam, T.H., "Multi-Point and Multi-Objective Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA 2002-5548, September 2002.

Nemec, M., and Zingg, D.W., "From Analysis to Design of High-Lift Configurations Using a Newton-Krylov Algorithm," Paper 173, ICAS 2002 Congress, September 2002.

Chisholm, T., and Zingg, D.W., "A Fully-Coupled Newton-Krylov Solver for Turbulent Aerodynamic Flows," Paper 333, ICAS 2002 Congress, September 2002.

Manzano, L.M., Lassaline, J.V., and Zingg, D.W., "A Newton-Krylov Algorithm for the Euler Equations Using Unstructured Grids," AIAA Paper 2003-0274, 2003.

Chisholm, T.T., and Zingg, D.W., "A Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Turbulent Aerodynamic Flows," AIAA Paper 2003-0071, 2003.

Pulliam, T.H., Nemec, M., Holst, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Comparison of Evolutionary (Genetic) Algorithm and Adjoint Methods for Multi-Objective Viscous Airfoil Optimizations," AIAA Paper 2003-0298, 2003.

Hua, J., Kong, F.M., Liu, P.J., and Zingg, D.W., "Optimization of Long-Endurance Airfoils," AIAA Paper 2003-3500, 2003.

Gatsis, J., and Zingg, D.W., "A Fully-Coupled Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Aerodynamic Optimization," AIAA Paper 2003-3956, 2003.

Lassaline, J.V., and Zingg, D.W., "An Investigation of Directional Coarsening and Line-Implicit Smoothing Applied to Agglomeration Multigrid," AIAA Paper 2003-3435, 2003.

Nemec, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Optimization of High-Lift Configurations Using a Newton-Krylov Algorithm," AIAA Paper 2003-3957, 2003.

Chisholm, T.T., and Zingg, D.W., "Start-Up Issues in a Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Turbulent Aerodynamic Flows," AIAA Paper 2003-3708, 2003.

Liu, P.J., and Zingg, D.W., "Comparison of Optimization Algorithms Applied to Aerodynamic Design," AIAA Paper 2004-0454, 2004.

Isono, S., and Zingg, D.W., "A Runge-Kutta-Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Fourth-Order Implicit Time Marching Applied to Unsteady Flows," AIAA Paper 2004-0433, 2004.

Fudge, D., Zingg, D.W., and Haimes, R., "A CAD-Free and A CAD-Based Geometry Control System for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA Paper 2005-0451, 2005.

Zingg, D.W., and Lederle, M., "On Linear Stability Analysis of High-Order Finite-Difference Methods," AIAA Paper 2005-5249, 2005.

Zingg, D.W., Leung, T.M., Diosady, L., Truong, A.H., Elias, S., and Nemec, M., "Improvements to a Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Aerodynamic Optimization," AIAA Paper 2005-4857, 2005.

Nichols, J.C., and Zingg, D.W., "A Three-Dimensional Multi-Block Newton-Krylov Flow Solver for the Euler Equations," AIAA Paper 2005-5230, 2005.

Wong, P., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Computations on Unstructured Grids Using a Newton-Krylov Approach," AIAA Paper 2005-5231, 2005.

Driver, J., and Zingg, D.W., "Optimized Natural-Laminar-Flow Airfoils," AIAA Paper 2006-247, 2006.

Zingg, D.W., and Elias, S., "On Aerodynamic Optimization Under a Range of Operating Conditions," AIAA Paper 2006-1053, 2006.

Blanco, M., and Zingg, D.W., "An Unstructured Newton-Krylov Algorithm with a Loosely-Coupled Turbulence Model for Aerodynamic Flows," AIAA Paper 2006-691, 2006.

Zingg, D.W., Diosady, L., and Billing, L., "Adaptive Airfoils for Drag Reduction at Transonic Speeds," AIAA Paper 2006-3656, 2006.

Rumpfkeil, M.P., and Zingg, D.W., "A General Framework for the Optimal Control of Unsteady Flows with Applications," AIAA Paper 2007-1128, 2007.

Zingg, D.W., and Billing, L. "Toward Practical Aerodynamic Design Through Numerical Optimization," AIAA Paper 2007-3950, 2007.

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "A Parallel Newton-Krylov Flow Solver for Multi-Block Grids," AIAA Paper 2007-4333, 2007.

Truong, A.H., Oldfield, C., and Zingg, D.W., "Mesh Movement for a Discrete-Adjoint Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Aerodynamic Optimization," AIAA Paper 2007-3952, 2007.

Rumpfkeil, M.P., and Zingg, D.W., "Far-Field Noise Minimization Using an Adjoint Approach," ICCFD5, Seoul, 2008.

Leung, T., and Zingg, D.W., "A Newton-Krylov Approach for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA Paper 2008-5806, 2008.

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Integrated Geometry Parameterization and Grid Movement Using B-Spline Meshes," AIAA Paper 2008-6079, 2008.

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "An Investigation of Induced Drag Minimization Using a Parallel Newton-Krylov Algorithm," AIAA Paper 2008-5807, 2008.

Tabesh, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Higher-Order Implicit Time-Marching Methods Using a Newton-Krylov Algorithm," AIAA Paper 2009-164, 2009.

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Globalization Strategies for Inexact-Newton Solvers," AIAA Paper 2009-4139, 2009.

Leung, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Single- and Multipoint Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Using a Parallel Newton-Krylov Approach," AIAA Paper 2008-3803, 2009.

Dias, S.C., and Zingg, D.W., "A High-Order Parallel Newton-Krylov Flow Solver for the Euler Equations," AIAA Paper 2009-3657, 2009.

Buckley H.P., Zhou, B.Y., and Zingg, D.W., "Airfoil Optimization Using Practical Aerodynamic Design Requirements," AIAA Paper 2009-3516, 2009.

Huan, X., Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Interface and Boundary Schemes for High-Order Methods," AIAA Paper 2009-3658, 2009.

Osusky, M., Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "A parallel Newton-Krylov-Schur flow solver for the Navier-Stokes equations using the SBP-SAT approach," AIAA Paper 2010-116, 2010.

Kenway, G.K.W., Henderson, R., Hicken, J.E., Kuntawala, N., Zingg, D.W., Martins, J.R.R.A., and McKeand, R.G., "Reducing Aviation's Environmental Impact Through Large Aircraft for Short Ranges," AIAA Paper 2010-1015, 2010.

Hicken, J.E., Osusky, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Comparison of parallel preconditioners for a Newton-Krylov flow solver," ICCFD6, 2010.

Buckley, H.P., and Zingg, D.W., "On Aerodynamic Design Through Multipoint Optimization," AIAA Paper 2011-1244, 2011.

Kuntawala, N., Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "Preliminary Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a Blended-Wing-Body Aircraft Configuration," AIAA Paper 2011-642, 2011.

Hicken, J.E., Buckley, H., Osusky, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Dissipation-based continuation: a globalization for inexact-Newton solvers," AIAA Paper 2011-3237, 2011.

Leung, T.M., and Zingg, D.W., "Design of Low-Sweep Wings for Maximum Range," AIAA Paper 2011-3178, 2011.

Han, X., and Zingg, D.W., "An Evolutionary Geometry Parametrization for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA Paper 2011-3536, 2011.

Chernukhin, O., and Zingg, D.W., "An Investigation of Multi-Modality in Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA Paper 2011-3070, 2011.

Hicken, J.E., and Zingg, D.W., "The Role of Dual Consistency in Functional Accuracy: Error Estimation and Superconvergence," AIAA Paper 2011-3855, 2011.

Osusky, L., and Zingg, D.W., "A Novel Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Approach for Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flows," AIAA Paper 2012-0058, 2012.

Osusky, M., and Zingg, D.W., "A Parallel Newton-Krylov-Schur Flow Solver for the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA Paper 2012-0442, 2012.

Osusky, M., Boom, P.D., Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., and Zingg, D.W., "An Efficient Newton-Krylov-Schur Parallel Solution Algorithm for the Steady and Unsteady Navier-Stokes Equations," ICCFD7, 2012.

Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., and Zingg, D.W., "High-Order Compact-Stencil Summation-By-Parts Operators for the Second Derivative with Variable Coefficients," ICCFD7, 2012.

Gagnon, H., and Zingg, D.W., "Two-Level Free-Form Deformation for High-Fidelity Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA Paper 2012-5447, 2012.

Boom, P.D., and Zingg, D.W., "Time-Accurate Flow Simulations Using an Efficient Newton-Krylov Schur Approach with High-Order Temporal and Spatial Discretization," AIAA Paper 2013-0383, 2013.

Boom, P.D., and Zingg, D.W., "High-Order Implicit Time Integration for Unsteady Compressible Fluid Flow Simulation," AIAA Paper 2013-2831, 2013.

Osusky, L., and Zingg, D.W., "Application of an Efficient Newton-Krylov Algorithm for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA Paper 2013-2584, 2013.

Osusky, M., Boom, P.D., and Zingg, D.W., "Results from the Fifth AIAA Drag Prediction Workshop Obtained with a Parallel Newton-Krylov Flow Solver Discretized Using Summation-by-Parts Operators," AIAA Paper 2013-2511, 2013.

Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., and Zingg, D.W., "High-Order Compact-Stencil Summation-by-Parts Operators for the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA Paper 2013-2570, 2013.

Brown, D., and Zingg, D.W., "Advances in Homotopy Continuation Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics," AIAA Paper 2013-2370, 2013.

Reist, T.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a Blended-Wing-Body Regional Transport for a Short Range Mission," AIAA Paper 2013-2414, 2013.

Rashad, R., and Zingg, D.W., "Toward High-Fidelity Aerodynamic Shape Optimization for Natural Laminar Flow," AIAA Paper 2013-2583, 2013.

Gagnon, H., and Zingg, D.W., "Geometry Generation of Complex Unconventional Aircraft with Application to High-Fidelity Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA Paper 2013-2850, 2013.

Osusky, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Steady Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow Computations with a Parallel Newton-Krylov-Schur Algorithm," AIAA Paper 2014-0242, 2014.

Telidetzki, K., Osusky, L., and Zingg, D.W., "Application of Jetstream to a Suite of Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Problems," AIAA Paper 2014-0571, 2014.

Gagnon, H., and Zingg, D.W., "High-Fidelity Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Unconventional Aircraft Through Axial Deformation," AIAA Paper 2014-0908, 2014.

Khosravi, S., and Zingg, D.W., "A Numerical Optimization Study on Winglets," 15th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, June 2014.

Brown, D.A., Buckley, H., Osusky, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Performance of a Newton-Krylov-Schur Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2015: 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Florida, Jan. 2015.

Lee, C., Koo, D., Telidetzki, K., Buckley, H., Gagnon, H., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Benchmark Problems Using Jetstream," AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2015: 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Florida, Jan. 2015.

Gagnon, H., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Optimization Trade Study of a Box-Wing Aircraft Configuration," AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2015: 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Florida, Jan. 2015.

Zhang, Z.J., Khosravi, S., and Zingg, D.W., "High-Fidelity Aerostructural Optimization with Integrated Geometry Parameterization and Mesh Movement," AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2015: 53rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Florida, Jan. 2015.

Reist, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Optimization of the Aerodynamic Performance of Regional and Wide-Body-Class Blended Wing-Body Aircraft," 33rd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conf., AIAA Paper 2015-3292, Dallas, June 2015.

Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., and Zingg, D.W., "New Diagonal-Norm Summation-by-Parts Operators for the First Derivative with Increased Order of Accuracy," 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conf., AIAA Paper 2015-2914, Dallas, June 2015.

Rashad, R., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization for Natural Laminar Flow Using a Discrete-Adjoint Approach," 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conf., AIAA Paper 2015-3061, Dallas, June 2015.

Boom, P.D., and Zingg, D.W., "Investigation of Efficient High-Order Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods Based on Generalized Summation-by-Parts Operators," 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conf., AIAA Paper 2015-2757, Dallas, June 2015.

Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., and Zingg, D.W., "Development of Generalized Summation-by-Parts Operators for a Second Derivative with a Variable Coefficient," 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conf., AIAA Paper 2015-2915, Dallas, June 2015.

Hicken, J.E., Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., and Zingg, D.W., "Opportunities for Efficient High-Order Methods Based on the Summation-by-Parts Property," 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conf., AIAA Paper 2015-3198, Dallas, June 2015.

Koo, D., and Zingg, D.W., "Progress in Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA Paper 2016-1292, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2016: 54th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Florida, Jan. 2016.

Hicken, J.E., Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., and Zingg, D.W., "Simultaneous Approximation Terms for Multidimensional Summation-by-Parts Operators," 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conf., AIAA Paper 2016-3971, Washington DC, June 2016.

Reist, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Design of Blended Wing-Body and Lifting Fuselage Aircraft," 34th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conf., AIAA Paper 2016-3874, Washington DC, June 2016.

Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., Boom, P.D., Shademan, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Numerical Investigation of Tensor-Product Summation-by-Parts Strategies and Operators," AIAA SciTech 2017, AIAA Paper 2017-0530, Texas, January 2017.

Chau, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a Box-Wing Regional Aircraft Based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA Paper 2017-3258, Denver, June 2017.

Streuber, G.M., and Zingg, D.W., "Investigation of multimodality in aerodynamic shape optimization based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations," AIAA Paper 2017-3752, Denver, June 2017.

Crean, J., Hicken, J.E., Del Rey Fernandez, D.C., Zingg, D.W., and Carpenter, M.H., "High-Order, Entropy Stable Discretizations of the Euler Equations for Complex Geometries," AIAA Paper 2017-4496, Denver, June 2017.

Reist, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Application of Diablo to Three-Dimensional Benchmark Problems for Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Solvers," AIAA SciTech 2018, AIAA Paper 2018-1567, Kissimmee, January 2018.

Curiale, N.J., and Zingg, D.W., "Morphing Wings: A Study Using Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA SciTech 2018, AIAA Paper 2018-1910, Kissimmee, January 2018.

Streuber, G.M., and Zingg, D.W., "A Parametric Study of Multimodality in Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Wings," AIAA Aviation 2018, AIAA Paper 2018-3637, Atlanta, June 2018.

Craig Penner, D.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Artificial Dissipation Operators Possessing the Summation-by-Parts Property," AIAA Aviation 2018, AIAA Paper 2018-4165, Atlanta, June 2018.

Boom, P.D., Rolston, S., and Zingg, D.W., "Large-eddy simulation of controlled and uncontrolled turbulent boundary layers," ICCFD 2018, Barcelona, July 2018.

Boom, P.D., and Zingg, D.W., "Numerical optimization of fourth-order diagonally-implicit multistep Runge-Kutta methods," ICCFD 2018, Barcelona, July 2018.

Piotrowski, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Investigation of a Local Correlation-based Transition Model in a Newton-Krylov Algorithm," AIAA SciTech 2019, AIAA Paper 2019-2299, San Diego, January 2019.

Craig Penner, D.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Generalized Summation-By-Parts Methods: Coordinate Transformations, Quadrature Accuracy, and Functional Superconvergence," AIAA Aviation Forum, AIAA Paper 2019-2952, Dallas, June 2019.

Marchildon, A.L., and Zingg, D.W., "Optimization of Diagonal-Norm Multidimensional Summation-by-Parts Operators on Simplices," AIAA Aviation Forum, AIAA Paper 2019-2953, Dallas, June 2019.

Mattalo, K.J., and Zingg, D.W., "Multidimensional Diagonal-Norm Summation-by-Parts Operators on Quadrilateral Elements," AIAA Aviation Forum, AIAA Paper 2019-2954, Dallas, June 2019.

Shadpey, S., and Zingg, D.W., "Energy- and Entropy-Stable Multidimensional Summation-by-Parts Discretizations on Non-Conforming Grids," AIAA Aviation Forum, AIAA Paper 2019-3204, Dallas, June 2019.

Apponsah, K.P., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization for Unsteady Flows: Some Benchmark Problems," AIAA SciTech 2020, AIAA Paper 2020-0541, Orlando, January 2020.

Belanger, R.K.R., Zingg, D.W., and Lavoie, P., "Vortex Structure of a Synthetic Jet Issuing into a Turbulent Boundary Layer from a Finite-Span Orifice," AIAA SciTech 2020, AIAA Paper 2020-1815, Orlando, January 2020.

Lowe, B., and Zingg, D.W., "Flutter Prediction Using Reduced-Order Modelling," AIAA SciTech 2020, AIAA Paper 2020-1998, Orlando, January 2020.

Lee, A.G., Reist, T.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Further Exploration of Regional-Class Hybrid Wing-Body Aircraft Through Multi-fidelity Optimization," AIAA SciTech 2021, AIAA Paper 2021-0014, January 2021.

Streuber, G.M., and Zingg, D.W., "Dynamic Geometry Control for Robust Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA Aviation 2021, AIAA Paper 2021-3031, Aug. 2021.

Apponsah, K.P., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization for Unsteady Flows with Application to Laminar Flows," AIAA Aviation 2021, AIAA Paper 2021-3028, Aug. 2021.

Lowe, B., and Zingg, D.W., "Dynamic Aeroelastic Analysis Using Reduced-Order Modeling with Error Estimation," AIAA Aviation 2021, AIAA Paper 2021-2547, Aug. 2021.

Chiang, C., Koo, D., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of an S-Duct for a Boundary-Layer Ingesting Engine," AIAA Aviation 2021, AIAA Paper 2021-2468, Aug. 2021.

Chau, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Optimization of a Transonic Strut-Braced-Wing Regional Aircraft Based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA Aviation 2021, AIAA Paper 2021-2526, Aug. 2021.

Piotrowski, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Numerical Behaviour of a Smooth Local Correlation-based Transition Model in a Newton-Krylov Flow Solver," AIAA SciTech 2022, AIAA Paper 2022-0909, San Diego, January 2022.

Piotrowski, M., and Zingg, D.W., "Investigation of a Smooth Local Correlation-based Transition Model in a Discrete-Adjoint Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Algorithm," AIAA SciTech 2022, AIAA Paper 2022-1865, San Diego, January 2022.

Craig Penner, D.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Obtaining Accurate Functionals from High-Order Generalized Summation-by-Parts Discretizations in Curvilinear Coordinates," ICCFD11, Hawaii, July 2022.

Montoya, T., and Zingg, D.W., "Stable and Conservative High-Order Methods on Triangular Elements Using Tensor-Product Summation-by-Parts Operators," ICCFD11, Hawaii, July 2022.

Bravo-Mosquera, P.D., Chau, T., Catalano, F.M., and Zingg, D.W., "Exploration of Box-Wing Aircraft Concept Using High-Fidelity Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," 33rd ICAS Congress, Stockholm, September 2022.

Zingg, D.W., Chau, T., Gray, A.L., and Reist, T.A., "A Multifidelity Multidisciplinary Approach to Unconventional Aircraft Development and Assessment with Application to the Strut-Braced Wing and Hybrid Wing-Body Configurations," 33rd ICAS Congress, Stockholm, September 2022.

Clark, C., Rasimarzabadi, F., abo el Ella, H., Breton, H., Chikhaoui, I., and Zingg, D.W., "S-Duct with Boundary Layer Ingestion: Geometry Optimization and Validation," AIAA Paper 2024-2331, AIAA SciTech 2024.

Yazdi, R.R.S., Reist, T.A., and Zingg, D.W., "Aerodynamic Optimization of a Flying V Aircraft Based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations," AIAA Paper 2024-1909, AIAA SciTech 2024.

Husain, F., Simmons, I., and Zingg, D.W., "Application of Aerodynamic Shape Optimization to Swept Natural Laminar Flow Wings," AIAA Paper 2024-3507, AIAA Aviation 2024.

Marchildon, A.L., and Zingg, D.W., "Gradient-Enhanced Bayesian Optimization with Application to Aerodynamic Shape Optimization," AIAA Paper 2024-4405, AIAA Aviation 2024.

Pascual, J.M., and Zingg, D.W., "Progress in the Application of an Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Capability Using Hybrid Laminar Flow Control to Airfoils and Infinite Swept Wings," AIAA Paper 2025-0484, AIAA SciTech 2025.


Second Textbook: Fundamental Algorithms in Computational Fluid Dynamics

The textbook Fundamental Algorithms in Computational Fluid Dynamics, by Thomas H. Pulliam, and David W. Zingg, was published in 2014 by Springer-Verlag in the series Scientific Computation. The book is intended for a first or second course in computational fluid dynamics, in the latter case in conjunction with our earlier textbook (see below). It is an entirely new book, not a new edition of the earlier book. For further information, click here.


Textbook: Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics

The textbook Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics, by Harvard Lomax, Thomas H. Pulliam, and David W. Zingg, was published in June 2001 by Springer-Verlag in the series Scientific Computation, ISBN 41607-2. The book is intended for a first course in computational fluid dynamics. For further information, click here.

From a review in Contemporary Physics:

"[The book] is much needed to fill a gap in the market for texts that try to cover some of the fundamental mathematical aspects of the subject. The book is aimed at graduate students and concentrates on analysing the properties of approximations produced by finite-difference and finite-volume methods. ... The main strengths of the book are that the theoretical aspects are treated in an elegant and simple manner, making it easy for the reader to appreciate the subtle links between the discrete and continuous operators and linear algebra. The mathematics is self-contained and not daunting. Most of the sections are well written and the section on ordinary differential equations and time marching methods is particularly good."

From a review by P. Wesseling in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization:

"An introduction to finite volume methods for initial-boundary value problems for partial differential equations, developed with applications in CFD in mind ... The student who has mastered this material will be well equipped for further study and use of numerical methods in the computational disciplines, where one's only guide is often analogy with simple cases. ... I found the book pleasant to read, and good for students. The level is that of a course for students studying for a Masters degree in their final year. Teachers of similar courses will find the book useful. A good collection of exercises is included."

From a review in Applied Mechanics Reviews:

"The book is well written and organized. It can be easily adopted as a textbook for senior or graduate students studying numerical methods of fluid mechanics. Practice exercises are provided at the end of each chapter, some of them expecting the reader to write his own computer codes. This reviewer would regard Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics as essential to anyone planning to use CFD modelling."

From a book review by Datta V. Gaitonde, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, in the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal:

"The unaffected style adopted by the authors makes the book very readable and brings a surprising degree of freshness to the mature concepts that are its emphasis. For this reason, in addition to graduate students, the book may appeal to professionals who do not have formal training in CFD but who wish to learn more theory than is found in cookbook-oriented code manuals."

"... sharp focus on ideas and analysis rather than tips and techniques ..."

From a book review by Randall J. LeVeque, University of Washington, in the SIAM Review:

"... the book covers a good set of introductory material and includes some topics and insights not found in other books at this level, along with numerous exercises. In the hands of a knowledgeable instructor, it could form the basis for an excellent course and would be a useful supplement in general."



AER 1316H Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics

This course presents the fundamentals of numerical methods for inviscid and viscous flows. The following topics are covered: finite-difference and finite-volume approximations, the semidiscrete approach to the solution of partial differential equations, time-marching methods for ordinary differential equations, stability of linear systems, relaxation methods, multigrid, flux splitting, and approximate factorization.

The course textbook, Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics, by H. Lomax, T.H. Pulliam, and D.W. Zingg, is available at the textbook store or online, e.g. Indigo.

AER 1318H Topics in Computational Fluid Dynamics

This course follows AER 1316H, which is a prerequisite. The course first concentrates on the algorithmic details of two specific codes for solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, ARC2D and FLOMG. Topics to be covered include generalized curvilinear coordinates, approximate factorization, artificial dissipation, boundary conditions, and various convergence acceleration techniques, including multigrid. Finally, the course covers high-resolution upwind schemes.

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